My operating principles

Am too principled, is what I feel. Come to think of it, I have missed out on a whole lot of fun in life because that. The quote – “Don’t take life too seriously, no one makes it out alive anyway!” is maybe meant for people like me. I realize that, but my brain and…

2017 Round-up

So it’s that time of the year again, when I get off my ass and wipe the dust off my blog and write a year-end round-up post. Well, this year I at least have a valid reason for being busy – my Gundu. This year 2017 is always, always going to be special. Our bundle…

N – New

From the past couple of years one of my resolutions has been to try something new. As in everything, I know I could have done better, but I am glad for a few things that I have tried in the past year. Usually there are a whole lot of things that I am interested in,…

Zen Stories

As so many other good things, my best friend introduced me to the Zen stories. The zen way of life inspires me. maybe that is the kind of life, we should aim for. Where there is a balance. Every story can have multiple meanings or essence to it, based on how the reader perceives it….

God’s unseen ways

Just yesterday… I felt lonelier than what I already felt. I felt much downer in the dumps. I didn’t feel like talking over the phone to my husband or my best friend or anyone. I was looking up for articles on signs and symptoms of depression and was wondering about seeking medical help. And today… I…

A Grand Opening?? Not so much!

It’s been a fortnight since the new year started and it’s been a year since I started reblogging. I have been wanting to write since the year started. With most people around writing a post a day for the blogathon, I was really finding it tough to come up with a single post. What I…

Learnings in Life – I

A friend of mine and I were discussing about Zen-Buddhism stories. There was a story he shared, said he had read it at various places, many times, yet couldn’t understand the essence of it. I didn’t get it either when I read it. Later we went to different stories and topics and suddenly at the…