A letter to myself!

What do I write to myself that I haven’t repeated in my head a million times? I mean that’s what I do all day, talk to myself in my head. But sadly many a time these thoughts are the ones telling me that something is wrong with the way I am, the things I am…

I’ve achieved

How do we measure our achievements? Marks in school, percentage in college, the college we get into, the job offer attained, the package earned, the hike received, the promotion attained, the awards earned? These are the “general” measures of an achievement. Does having achieved all of this, make me better than the rest? Does being…

I worry…

…about everything under the sun! Not a very good thing I know. When on bench, I worry about not having a project. I get a job; I worry about how I will perform. I worry about the travel it will take, the extra time that I will spend on travel, missing out being with my…

I’ve improved

In my patience levels. Becoming a mother does that to you. All the sleepless nights, the holding and rocking, putting down the child, to be woken up again in another 5 min, helps you improve. 🙂 Initially, I used to get worked up so easily about things I felt I could not deal with. However,…

My inner critic

How I wish I could silence her! She is the cause for all my misery. She’s always up and about and never for once does she consider going to sleep. She wakes up, the moment the alarm goes off. While I choose snooze it for ten minutes, she chooses to get to work immediately –…

My operating principles

Am too principled, is what I feel. Come to think of it, I have missed out on a whole lot of fun in life because that. The quote – “Don’t take life too seriously, no one makes it out alive anyway!” is maybe meant for people like me. I realize that, but my brain and…

When death arrives…

… it is nothing like you can imagine! If you haven’t seen it up close yourself, there is nothing that you can even compare it with. As children, whenever a death occurred in someone’s house, we would never be taken to see them. It was only our parents who went. My first encounter with seeing…

My Personal Gifts

Without sounding too boastful, I would like to say that “listening” is one of the personal gifts that I have received. Also, listening works well, if you don’t want to talk too much yourself. I am sort of an introvert-ish person. I say sort of, because I talk to people, I don’t have a problem…

I am on this earth to…

This prompt brought forth the thoughts that I keep trying to push to the background. I’ve deep down in my heart believed that I’m on this earth to achieve something big. I know that “big” is a relative term. Since childhood, I always felt that I need to prove my capability to my parents by…

I dream about

Having my own business. My creative and artistic learning put to use. Turning a distant passion into an everyday reality. A beautiful space, called home. Adorned with hand-crafted stuff. Peaceful and inviting. A shelf full of books, a seat by the window, a cup of tea and the time to enjoy a good read. A…

Words that best describe me

On a spur, I decided to take up this 28 days personal discovery prompt challenge. It was done in Feb actually, but that shouldn’t stop me from taking it up any time, isn’t it? How it works is that, there are 28 prompts which I should write/blog about. I’ve decided to do it, over the…

Musings of a confused mind

I am in a weird phase. It’s been close to two months, since I am back in office. Unfortunately I haven’t found a project yet. I am not one of the people who enjoys being work-less. Work keeps my mind off unwanted things. People keep telling me that it’s a blessing in disguise and how…