My inner critic

How I wish I could silence her! She is the cause for all my misery. She’s always up and about and never for once does she consider going to sleep. She wakes up, the moment the alarm goes off. While I choose snooze it for ten minutes, she chooses to get to work immediately –…

Monday Blues

The weather of Bengaluru perfectly reflects how my mood has been for the past two weeks. Gloomy, dull and gray. I have set the bar for myself really high. When I don’t meet it, I am so disappointed. I am my own enemy, truly. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been attending interviews. Having no…

Musings of a confused mind

I am in a weird phase. It’s been close to two months, since I am back in office. Unfortunately I haven’t found a project yet. I am not one of the people who enjoys being work-less. Work keeps my mind off unwanted things. People keep telling me that it’s a blessing in disguise and how…

Talking to the old self

I was reading the posts on my old blog and read the first post I had written 8 years back. 8 years, is quite a long time. When I started off, I never thought I’d last so long. The blog, my writing and I as a person have evolved so much over time. My posts…

On my mind

I wish it was possible to peek just a little into the future, you know, just to know that things will turn out fine, unlike how I worry. I have always been someone who worries a lot. Never known to have been calm and clear-headed. Things turn out absolutely fine, many times when I have…

W – Words

Words have so much power. Words are so beautiful. They can express all that you want, just the way you want it. Some people have a way with words, they just string them together and it becomes poetry. Though I have always been a person who prefers prose to poetry, I still can’t stop admiring…

T – Time

Some days are a race against time. Today has been one such day. What started off with cooking and packing for office at 6.30 in the morning is yet to come to a close. The day at office was hectic with a long list of work lined up, back to back discussions and meetings, clarifications…

O – Obsession

I am obsessive about quite a few things, but what would qualify to closely being a OCD is my need for the kitchen platform to be clean. If I have to cook or do anything around in the kitchen, I need the platform to be clean. Staying with my MIL, who is close to 65…

K – Kick

Is what I feel like giving myself right now! I have been thinking all day on what to post from the alphabet and couldn’t find anything suitable! BG is torturing me by giving some abominable suggestions when I asked him for words from K for blogging. The word abominable reminds of just one thing –…

J – Journal

If there are long spans of my absence on the blog, you can be sure I am writing my heart out into the journal. Similarly if I am here blogging, there will hardly be any entries in the journal. I somehow find it tedious to write into both, rather I feel I will be repetitive….

G – Guilt

Whether or not we take any other trip, my mind keeps taking these guilt trips from time to time. I keep telling myself that I need to be more relaxed on myself.  I keep reading loads of articles, many of which are on self-forgiveness and self-love. Putting it into practice is far more difficult though….

E – Empty

Have you ever felt that more the stuff we fill our lives with, the emptier we feel? I get that feeling all the time. Our growing up years were really far more comfortable than that of our parents. We didn’t struggle for the basic needs. We led a simple middle class life. A car, a…