Another difficult Monday

What do you do when that perfect creature you want to be, is killing you? The person who wakes up early in the morning, to get things ready for breakfast and lunch because she doesn’t want to be labeled a lazy DIL, who does nothing at home. This despite having gone late to bed last…

Monday Blues

The weather of Bengaluru perfectly reflects how my mood has been for the past two weeks. Gloomy, dull and gray. I have set the bar for myself really high. When I don’t meet it, I am so disappointed. I am my own enemy, truly. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been attending interviews. Having no…

Musings of a confused mind

I am in a weird phase. It’s been close to two months, since I am back in office. Unfortunately I haven’t found a project yet. I am not one of the people who enjoys being work-less. Work keeps my mind off unwanted things. People keep telling me that it’s a blessing in disguise and how…

Talking to the old self

I was reading the posts on my old blog and read the first post I had written 8 years back. 8 years, is quite a long time. When I started off, I never thought I’d last so long. The blog, my writing and I as a person have evolved so much over time. My posts…

Pregnancy Diary – 16.03.2017

I don’t know what it will take to prove to people that my rib bone may actually be fractured and that I am in immense pain. Just because I am trying to manage everything and going about doing the usual things, everyone assumes that the pain is gone and I am all fine. Well, I…

X – ‘X’

Remember way back in school, how you had the task of finding ‘x’ in Mathematics? It took on so many roles. ‘X’ could be the simple number of apples to a value in an extremely complex equation. But the best part about the whole thing was, if you derived it logically, you could always find…

W – Words

Words have so much power. Words are so beautiful. They can express all that you want, just the way you want it. Some people have a way with words, they just string them together and it becomes poetry. Though I have always been a person who prefers prose to poetry, I still can’t stop admiring…

O – Obsession

I am obsessive about quite a few things, but what would qualify to closely being a OCD is my need for the kitchen platform to be clean. If I have to cook or do anything around in the kitchen, I need the platform to be clean. Staying with my MIL, who is close to 65…

M – Mondays

This challenge was supposed to have Sundays exempted, because there are 24 alphabets and 4 weeks in April, so you do the math. But I conveniently forget to write a post every Saturday. I wonder why. This adds to the pressure to meet the target on a Sunday. While I am talking about the days,…

Rant-y affair!

If I let things be, the days that ran into weeks, will run into months. I wonder what gets to me. Sometimes, I am on a writing spree and I want make a note of all that’s happening. Then there comes a lull, which will stretch into hibernation, if I let it. A pattern that…

Flu and Blue

Do you know what’s worse than Monday morning blues? It’s a Wednesday, which feels like a Monday. Having been struck by a bout of flu and a horrible allergic cough, I spent the weekend and all of yesterday eating, taking medicines and sleeping. On Monday I worked from home thinking it would do the cough…

Self Discovery?

Missed opportunities, missed conversations, missed moments, my life is turning out to be full of regrets most of the times. When alone I think of how I don’t speak nicely to my hubby and end up complaining to him or snapping at him due to issues created by the MIL/SIL. But when with him, I…