Tales – 2 – Modern Mumma

Aaah, cried Simi! Didi tugged faster and harder, plaiting her hair. “We’re getting late. Why can’t you get ready sooner? We’ll miss the bus!” Simi was lost in thought, wishing Mumma was here and not at work. She combs my hair so gently, she thought. “Done! Chalo!“. Sandhya held her hand and walked out of…

Tiny Tales – 1

She let the music run in the background. Some slow melodies played on the phone. There were so many apps and so many choices. She would go looking for a particular genre of songs and end up playing something else, every time. Well, there were a plethora of choices but never something that aptly matched…

A Birthday Letter to my Son – 4

Dear Chintu, It’s your second birthday in a lockdown condition. But, the world and especially our country is going through such times of crisis due to Covid that we should all be just thankful for being alive and breathing. Number of people infected are rising every day and so is the death toll. Trust me…

Catching up, as always!

It’s been so long, that it feels uncomfortable to write. So much so that if I give this a second thought, I might just discard or save this post in the drafts, like I’ve done with several others. But at this moment I’ve decided to take this plunge and write, after this really long period…

A Birthday Letter To My Son – 3

23rd May 2020 Dear Chintu, This birthday is a one like you’ve never had before. The situation the world is in today is very very saddening. The whole world has been infected by a virus called the Novel Coronavirus or the Covid-19 disease. It has taken millions of lives worldwide and there seems to be…

Are we done with the second half, already?

I have probably never been away from this space for so long. Previously, there used to be a nagging voice in my head which used to draw me back to this space. Strangely, this time around it was absent. It could be so because my days have been full of work, duties and parenting mishaps,…

A Birthday Letter To My Son – 2

Dear Chintu, Last year when I wrote this letter to you, I thought I should try and write one letter every year, at least for as long as possible. So here I am on your second birthday, putting down my thoughts. I know I have been way too busy the last two months, with spending…

A place that was called home.

I have such little time left in the day to do anything. Even logging in to read other posts has become impossible. The new project at the new client office has been sucking up all my time and energy. I do not want to get started about my commute woes! It’s sad that Bangalore has…

Standing up for myself.

So today I did something, which probably didn’t go down too well with someone and yet it made me feel better. All my life I’ve been a people pleaser, I try my best to be as accommodating as possible and see to that the other person is not hurt. What have I got in return?…

Gundu growing up

As I read articles about the changes toddlers will go through at the age my son is, I feel a bittersweet emotion. While I feel proud of all the skills my boy is mastering, I feel sad recognizing the fact that he’s growing up. Oh! It does seem so soon. 😦 He can now, not…

A letter to myself!

What do I write to myself that I haven’t repeated in my head a million times? I mean that’s what I do all day, talk to myself in my head. But sadly many a time these thoughts are the ones telling me that something is wrong with the way I am, the things I am…

2018 – Round Up

I’ve done a year end post every year and this time I had almost skipped it, because I just wasn’t feeling like writing anything. Maybe it’s because of the low feeling that comes from the fact we’ve no plans for New Year’s eve or the first day of 2019. Infact we don’t have plans ever….